Our investors are key to expanding God’s Kingdom!
By investing with the CID-CEF, you are supporting the Great Commission and the growth of God’s Kingdom! You are doing so by providing the financial resources which the CID-CEF will match with the needs of our LCMS churches, schools, and agencies in the LCMS Central Illinois District.
God has been gracious to the CID-CEF over our history – we are financially solid, with a very strong financial-capital position. Your investments with us are secure and will not decrease in value with market fluctuations.
Your investments support His Mission and Vision for the LCMS Central Illinois District. You know your investment dollars are funding initiatives that match with the beliefs that you value.
As an added blessing, our interest rates are more than competitive with those available from other local institutions.
Check out our offerings of:
Fixed Term Certificates
Flexible Savings Accounts
"So I have provided for the house of my God"
I Chronicles 29:2
"The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance"
Proverbs 21:5
Projects helped funded by investments made through the CID-CEF:
Concordia, Peoria
Trinity, Springfield
Good Shepherd, Sherman
St. Paul's, Decatur
**CID-CEF investments are offered only to members and affiliates of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod residing in the State of Illinois and to existing investors originally meeting these requirements. Please refer to the "Documents for Certificates" box to view, download, and print Certificate applications and forms.**
The CID-CEF offers several different fixed term Certificates at interest rates that vary depending on the length of the term. The minimum investment for all Certificates is only $500.
Fixed Terms
Interest Paid/Applied Semi-annually
$500 Minimum Investment
You may also choose to designate individuals or LCMS organizations as the beneficiaries of your Certificates in the Beneficiary Designation Form.
Interest on Certificate investments is paid semi-annually. On the Investment Application, you may choose to allow interest to accumulate in your investment, be paid by check, or be direct deposited into your bank account using the Direct Deposit Form.
View Current certificate Rates and Terms
**CID-CEF investments are offered only to members and affiliates of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod residing in the State of Illinois and to existing investors originally meeting these requirements. Please refer to the "Documents for Flexible Savings Accounts" box to view, download, and print Flexible Savings Account applications and forms.**
The CID-CEF offers two different Flexible Savings Accounts – one to all of our investors, and the other to our LCMS religious organizations having Capital Campaign funds. Both of these accounts offer immediate access to your funds and earn an interest return.
Immediate Access to Your Funds
Interest is Added to Account Monthly
Regular Flexible Savings Account
The CID-CEF offers a Flexible Savings Account to all our investors with a minimum investment of only $25.
You may also choose to designate individuals or LCMS organizations as the beneficiary of your Flexible Savings Account in the Beneficiary Designation Form.
Interest rates are significantly higher than passbook savings accounts at local institutions, and interest is paid monthly.
Capital Campaign Flexible Savings Account
The Flexible Savings Account offered to our LCMS religious organizations is designed for those organizations having capital campaign funds. These Flexible Savings Accounts earn 1.0% vs. the nominal interest rate earned on similar investments at most other financial institutions.
An added benefit is that you may also choose to have your loan payments automatically processed each month from your Flexible Savings Account – just give us the authorization to do so by submitting the Capital Campaign Transfer Authorization Form.
View Current flexible savings accounts Interest Rates