CID-CEF Grants Awarded in 2024

Thanks to God’s blessings, the Central Illinois District Church Extension Fund (CID-CEF) returned over $85,000 in the form of grants for His work within the Central Illinois District and the LCMS at large. 

The grants will be used for a variety of needs throughout the District and beyond, as follows:

Please add your prayers for these ministries supporting our pastors, teachers, youth, and members of the Central Illinois District.

LCMS Elementary and High Schools in the CID

School Security Upgrades - $24,000 – offering a matching grant of $1,000 to each elementary and high school in the District for enhanced school security.

Springfield Lutheran High School (LuHi)

Financial Support- $13,232providing financial support for funding of LuHi’s December mortgage payment.

Seminarians in the CID

Seminarian Grants - $8,000 – assisting with seminarians’ material needs as they prepare to support us with our spiritual needs.

LCMS Disaster Relief

Hurricane Relief - $5,000 – aiding those communities hard-hit by hurricanes.

Tuscola Immanuel

Not Ashamed Program Year 2 - $2,000 – offering the churched and unchurched in the Tuscola area training on God’s good order and design, with application in daily life.

Campus Ministries

  • University Lutheran Champaign - $1,000 – funding religious materials to be made available to students on Quad Day and throughout the year at the University of Illinois campus.

Central Illinois District:

  • Capital Campaign Feasibility Study - $22,800– supporting a feasibility study to launch a capital campaign for needed maintenance at the CID’s three campus ministries, the deaf ministry, the Hispanic ministry, and the CID office campus.
  • Witnessing Helps - $3,300 – providing funding for the production and distribution of posters to raise awareness in our congregations of the CID’s Witness Helps program to develop witnessing skills.
  • National Youth Gathering - $2,500– jointly sponsoring a social event with the other Illinois districts at the National Youth Gathering, defraying the cost to our youth for attending the event.
  • Phone System - $2,250 – contributing to the cost of an upgraded phone system at the CID office.
  • Archivist - $1,000 – subsidizing the collection of historical information by the CID archivist.


The CID-CEF Office is open Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm.
Please call (217) 793-1802 with questions.

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